Sabtu, 26 November 2016

Management of FC Pingdus FC Libido and the title of "Mini Futsal Tournament in Indonesia 2015"

Various national competitions which have been followed by FC Libido Bandung andSurabaya Pingdus FC, in preparation to face the League for years to come, the management team will hold a Mini Tournament which will be held in the grounds of Queen Futsal Bandung planning held on 29-31 October. It is delivered by management through official accounts Instagramnya, @fclibido.

Mini tournament entitled "Mini Futsal Tournament in Indonesia 2015" plan will follow by four teams, two teams in the content by FC Libido Bandung and Surabaya Pingdus FC. But two other teams will get invitations and still keep private management team hosts coach Andri Irawan was.

"The other two teams are still kept secret, just wait I'll write again," said Mr. Curo, Manager of FC Futsal team from Bandung to Libido Zone.

Management of FC Pingdus FC Libido and the title of "Mini Futsal Tournament in Indonesia 2015"

Although the scale of this prestigious tournament mini enough, in addition to the participation of a team of professionals classmates FC Libido and Pingdu first Champion team FC will be awarded the Trophy + money coaching (40 million dollars) andwill be awarded the runner up Trophy + money coaching (20 million dollars).

Not only that, two teams of contestants in the Statute by the management of FC Pingdus FC and Libido will be in full support by the Committee. Not the responsibility of the responsibility each team would earn money or personal allowance amounted to 1.5 million rupiah for each player, coach, and team official during the following activities related to the Mini Tournament Futsal Indonesia 2015.

Pocari Sweat Sepatu Futsal Championship 2015 has entered the regional round, HIGH SCHOOL BBS Bogor regional champion come out as 1 Jakarta, at a final party in the title Saturday (19/9) HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL defeated 97 BBS Jakarta passing game super tight with a final score of 1-0.

Read also:

As long as the title of the PSFC 2015 HIGH SCHOOL BBS Bogor appear convinced by showing cooperation and cohesiveness, there is one name that is quite striking andhave a share in the success of HIGH SCHOOL BBS Bogor passes to the Grand Champion PSFC 2015 i.e. Reza Gunawan.

Reza Gunawan appeared as a key HIGH SCHOOL team attack BBS Bogor, a good individual skill to make tall players belonging to the HIGH SCHOOL BBS Bogor it becomes the object of the attack team. With his trademark style on the field and occasionally penetrate the opposing defense goes into the heart reminds us to Indonesia's national Futsal star Bambang Bayu Saptaji.

Management of FC Pingdus FC Libido and the title of "Mini Futsal Tournament in Indonesia 2015"

Reza claimed to have played futsal since sitting in elementary school, and goals  at one point wanted to be a professional League players on the team IPC Pelindo II.

"I've been playing futsal since ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, when I want to play in a professional League and wanted to play in the team IPC Pelindo II Jakarta," said Reza to Futsal team Zone.

The youth of the birth of Bogor, 25 October was indeed idolizes Bambang Bayu Saptaji, his playing style is any similar and Reza hopes to follow the lead of his idols that play in the National League to international.

"I have to practice more so that it could play in a pro League and could play in the League outside of the (International) such as Bambang Bayu Saptaji," she continued.

Sabtu, 19 November 2016

Futsal Player Position: Wingers As The Driving Force Of The Team

Futsal League Student Indonesia (LFPI) regional bandung will soon be rolling. The dikikuti event by participants of the senior high school level CMS this will menyemarakan berekembangnya futsal in bandung.
Talent  the talent of the young city of origin for these mutual performance capabilities. LFPI will become fertile fields of talent that is ready to compete in the professional futsal.

Futsal Player Position: Wingers As The Driving Force Of The Team

This Championship will be contested by 64 teams level students the origin of Bandung city. By using the system.

LFPI Bandung regional will be held on 16 March – 10 April 2016. For those of you who would like to participate, please register you team by phone at 081348591299 or082154481828.

Total prize 8.5 million dollars, tophy, medals and certificates to make it sought after by many teams level of students in the city of Bandung.

Previously, we've discussed what and how the position of the Pivot/Target Man/Man/Top Striker (specialists) in futsal. For the article this one, Futsal Zone will take youto become Midfielders/Utility Players/Wingers.

According to, players at this position is an important component in a team which is good because it brings together the strategy team. While thepivot being the main point of attack and became the main point within fixo, wingerslikened as the engine room which became a power for the entire machine. If a wingers didn't have enough energy, then Pivot and fixo will not gain support to be able to play optimally.

Their responsibilities are divided evenly either survive or attack (although often encountered a team playing two wingers, normally one of plotting to attack more and more to better survive). Sometimes they will stand at the pivot position and in other situations becomes the last person (lastman).

To run this double role, the most effective player is the player who has the stamina.Understanding of tactics and discipline in order to be balanced in the running tasks.When the duet wingers run well role impact will make the team so much more convenient.

Read also:

Futsal Player Position: Wingers As The Driving Force Of The Team

To become a good wingers, here's what you need to do:

 Stamina are primed to stable while attacking or survive

 Awareness of the tactics to find out when you need to go forward in the future and when you must stay behind to survive

 A good passing Ability, to do a quick passing movement with the ball and doing(with 1 or 2 touch)

 Good to finish Shooting attack

 All around, have the same capabilities as good in surviving as well as attack.